S999 Silver Bangle 99B716 心经足银手镯
Product Description:
Code: 99B716
Length: 18.8cm Adjustable length
Material : 999 Fine Silver - High quality 999 Pure silver (999 silver soft to bend and easily for adjust)
All products are 100% Skin Friendly. Suitable for sensitive and allergy skin.
Packaging: The item comes with a gift box. Ready for gifting.
- If you wear it all the time, it won’t tarnish
- Anti Fade, Anti Rust
- Skin Friendly , Allergy Free
现代医学认为 - 【银】能杀菌消炎,排毒养生,延年益寿,长期使用,可以起到加速新陈代谢、增强抵抗力的作用。可见经常佩戴银饰品,对健康有百益而无一害。
据说老人长期佩戴‘纯银’手镯能祛湿, 高贵的手镯也寓意富贵吉祥的象征
-- 去湿指的就是祛风湿、除湿热。中医疗法中的针灸,所用的就是银针。在四川的凉山地区,当地的彝族有个偏方,人们生病的时候,煮一个鸡蛋,趁热剥掉蛋壳,然后把蛋黄挖掉,放一块银在里面,用热毛巾包住鸡蛋,在病人的太阳穴、两只手碗内侧以及肚剂眼上来回滚动,鸡蛋凉了以后,把里面的银拿出来,可以看到银表面已经变黑,说明它把病人体内的湿气吸出来了。
Product Care :
- To keep your jewellery in airtight bag to avoid tarnish.
- Can clean Pure Silver products with a silver cleanser for removal tarnish purposed.
- Polish your Pure Silver products with a silvery cloth or with a small tips by using some toothpaste and toothbrush to maintaining the products.
- Safe to wear during shower.